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Viewpoints features essays and interviews by the Center for a Livable Future’s staff, faculty, fellows and other affiliates. These opinions are opinions—not  representations of the Center’s priorities, activities or stances.


83 results found

Remembering Sid Mintz

I am one of many who called Sid Mintz a friend.

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Ralph Loglisci 1971-2016

Ralph was a hale fellow well met.

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Diet, Health & Planetary Boundaries

Risk Assessment and Processed Meats

The IARC’s “carcinogen” classification doesn’t really tell us how dangerous processed meats are.

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Food Animal Production

The USDA Is Gonna Do What?

The outbreak of several Asian-origin Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (HPAI) viruses is still wreaking havoc for industrial egg and turkey integrators.

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Food Animal Production

Poultry Contracting and Tournament Pricing

The current system is built on the contract production relationship between the producer (farmer) and the large integrator (company).

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Remembering Brother Dave Andrews

Brother Dave’s concern about food equity and food justice had an international component and he was a regular at the United Nations’ conference on food and animal production.

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Diet, Health & Planetary Boundaries

Fed Up with Sugar

fed up

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Food Animal Production, Food Policy & Governance

What does trans-Atlantic trade have to do with antibiotic resistance?

ISDS gives corporations the right to sue a nation for passing laws that impinge on their profits, and it’s a key component of the trade agreement now being negotiated between the U.S. and the European Union.

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Food Policy & Governance, Diet, Health & Planetary Boundaries

Let’s All Calm Down about the Dietary Guidelines

What does it mean that the Feds are taking “sustainability” into account in this year’s process?

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Food Equity

Immigration Reform Requires Food System Reform

It has been estimated by Farmworker Justice that there are 4.5 million farm workers and family members in the United States, and that up to 75 percent of them are undocumented.

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