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Unconfined Podcast 




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LogoUS consumers enjoy access to a veritable cornucopia of meat. We consume an annual average of more than 220 pounds of chicken, pork, and beef per person—one of the highest rates of carnivory in history. What makes it possible is a factory model of meat production that took root in Midwestern stockyards in the late 19th century and bloomed after World War II. For decades, the transnational meatpacking giants that dominate US production have been exporting this model to countries across the globe. But it's not all about just widely available burgers, tacos, and nuggets. What are the model's downsides—the impacts on communities, workers, ecosystems, and public health? Are there better ways to farm animals and provide meat? In Unconfined Podcast, veteran meat industry observers and CLF staffers Tom Philpott and Christine Grillo dig into those questions, interviewing the researchers, community organizers, journalists, and farmers documenting or experiencing the ills of our dominant mode of meat agriculture—and those who are exploring alternatives.  Read the CLF announcement here.

Episodes are available for listening on Apple, Spotify, and CLF’s YouTube channel. Listeners who would like to receive the Unconfined newsletter in their inbox every time there’s a new episode can subscribe here.



Adam Sheingate, Claire Kelloway, Mike Lavender

What Trump II Means for Our Food
Episode 15 of Unconfined, in which three policy experts read the tea leaves and try to assess what Trump's second turn in the White House means for the food system.

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Shakuntala Thilsted

Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted 

A People’s Scientist Meets a Tiny Fish
Episode 14 of Unconfined, in which World Food Prize winner Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted explains how biodiversity, local resources, and saying “no” to pricy pesticides helped cut childhood hunger in Bangladesh. 

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Dave Love

Dave Love 

The Weird, Beautiful Oyster
Episode 13 of Unconfined, in which Dave Love explains why oyster farming is the antithesis of industrial food production, and how this artisanal aquatic food plays a positive role in the food system.  

  Abundant Salmon, Troubled Waters

Douglas Frantz and Catharine Collins

Abundant Salmon, Troubled Waters
Episode 12 of Unconfined, in which veteran journalists Douglas Frantz and Catharine Collins lead us into the troubled waters of open-pen farmed salmon. 

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Phillip Loring

Philip Loring

A Livable Future for Fisheries
Episode 11 of Unconfined, in which Philip Loring encourages us to re-imagine how we interact with fisheries in order to restore health and abundance to these critical ecosystems.

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Paul Greenberg

Paul Greenberg 

Fish Stories 

Episode 10 of Unconfined, in which Paul Greenberg lays out the paradoxes and untapped promise of the United States’ vast fishery resources.  


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Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin

Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin 

Chicken Heaven   

Episode 9 of Unconfined, in which Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin describes his alternative and regenerative model for raising chickens. 


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David Montgomery and Anne Biklé

David Montgomery and Anne Biklé

Farm Like Our Health Depends On it  

Episode 8 of Unconfined, in which David Montgomery and Anne Biklé show that regenerative farming might hold the key to farming through climate chaos.

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Leo Horrigan

It’s Not Enough to Sustain: We Must Regenerate

Episode 7 of Unconfined, in which we launch our series on regenerative agriculture and learn some things about soil, as well as how photosynthesis and superpowered microbes make all life on Earth possible. 


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Debbie Berkowitz

Debbie Berkowitz

The Injured Workers Behind Your Chicken Habit

Episode 6 of Unconfined, in which we dig into why poultry workers face such hazardous conditions despite a landmark 1970 law requiring safe workplaces.

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Christina Cooke

Christina Cooke

Danger on the Farm: What’s Putting Workers at Such High Risk?

Episode 5 of Unconfined, in which we explore what the Occupational Safety and Health Administration does—and does not do—to protect farmworkers.

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Magaly Licolli

Magaly Licolli

Poultry Workers Fight for Their Rights

Episode 4 of Unconfined launches our three-part series on worker justice in the meat industry.

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Chris Heaney

Chris Heaney

What the Science Says about Living Near Giant Hog Operations and Methane Digesters

Episode 3 of Unconfined, in which we explore community-directed research on biodigesters in communities.

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Lovera Patty

Patty Lovera

The Methane Digester Money Trail: Who’s Making Money Off of Biogas?

Episode 2 of Unconfined, in which we explore the market-based viability of biogas

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Sherri White-Williamson

Living Amid Hog CAFOs—Now with Methane Digesters Attached 

Episode 1 of Unconfined, the podcast about industrial meat production and its alternatives

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