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Center for a Livable Future

The Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future—working toward a healthy, equitable, resilient food system from within the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering in the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Stories and Viewpoints

Five Fellows Collaborate to Tackle the Public Health Implications of Industrial Food Animal Production

Five CLF-Lerner Fellows spanning 17 years of fellowship support are still collaborating on research regarding industrial food animal production.

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Adam Sheingate: How Transparency Can Transform Food Systems

Professor Adam Sheingate believes that increased transparency in the food system is a tool we can use to make meaningful changes.

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Edward Dodge, 1936–2023

The Center will greatly miss a long-time friend and supporter who established the annual Dodge Lecture.

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Devon Hall: Science Joins Community in Hog CAFO Country

A North Carolina hog-country activist is using science to advocate for environmental justice and healthier communities.

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CLF-Lerner Fellowships

Established in 2003, the goal of the Center for a Livable Future-Lerner Fellowship Program is to support doctoral students at the Johns Hopkins University.

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Other Education Resources


A downloadable curriculum that provides high school teachers with lesson plans relating to food system issues.

Free Online Courses

“An Introduction to the US Food System: Perspectives from Public Health,” offered through the University’s partnership with Coursera.