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Find out how the CLF is engaged in positive food systems change.

159 results found
Food Animal Production

“Farmacology” is Cover Story in Hopkins Magazine

Associate editor Dale Keiger explores the links between industrial farming and antibiotic-resistant pathogens.

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Diet, Health & Planetary Boundaries

Pollan Tells Oprah Viewers Why He Goes Meatless on Monday

During a Skype interview, Michael Pollan suggested to Oprah that one great way to cut your carbon footprint is to eat less meat.

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Food Policy & Governance

Vilsack Visits the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Meeting

Our nation’s health, specifically the nutrition of our children, was a major point in Vilsack’s presentation.

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Food Animal Production, Food Systems & Climate Change, Food Policy & Governance

CTY's Food Matters magazine

Roni Neff discusses the industrialization of US agriculture and its impact on policy, public health, and climate change.

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Food Animal Production, Food Systems & Climate Change

Student Letters/Op-Eds Hit Major US Daily Newspapers

Three students in the “Food Production, Public Health and the Environment” course had their work published in major newspapers.

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Food Systems & Climate Change, Diet, Health & Planetary Boundaries

Obama Victory Garden Contest

Americans are asking the Obamas to lead by example by replanting an organic food garden at the White House.

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Food Systems & Climate Change

Past CLF Dodge Lecturer is President-elect Obama's Pick to Head NOAA

Jane Lubchenco, an environmental scientist and marine ecologist, was recently named to head up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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Food Policy & Governance, Diet, Health & Planetary Boundaries

Letter to Obama: Top 6 Sustainable Picks for Secretary of Ag

88 prominent figures in sustainable food and agriculture signed a letter to the Obama transition team entitled “the sustainable choice for the next U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.

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Food Animal Production, Food Policy & Governance

Pew Report: Run-off, Antibiotics Must Be Addressed

The comprehensive study by the Pew Commission found the routine use of antibiotics and waste handling procedures of particular concern.

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