CTY's Food Matters magazine
Looking for a challenge? Try explaining the connections of diet and its impact on the environment to a bunch of teenagers. That’s what Center for a Livable Future’s Roni Neff, PhD, did in the just released issue of Imagine, a national magazine for gifted 7th-12th graders published by the Center for Talented Youth at Johns Hopkins University. In a four-page feature article, “Food Matters. How What We Eat Affects Our Health and the Planet,” Roni discusses the industrialization of U.S. agriculture and its impact on government policy, public health, and global climate change.
“As more people become aware of the personal, environmental and public health benefits that come with good food choices, hopefully consumer demand will help propel corporations and policy makers to make larger scale changes toward a sustainable food system,” writes Roni, who serves as CLF’s Research and Policy Director and is on the faculty at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.