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Pollan Tells Oprah Viewers Why He Goes Meatless on Monday

By: Ralph Loglisci

Oprah Winfrey celebrated Earth Day by sharing with her viewers tips on how to Go Green and Save Money. During a Skype interview with Michael Pollan, the author of Omnivore’s Dilemma and In Defense of Food, Pollan suggested to Oprah that one great way to cut your carbon footprint is to eat less meat. He told Oprah, “I’m not talking about going vegetarian, but even one meatless day a week-a meatless Monday, which is what we do in our household- if everybody in America did that, that would be the equivalent of taking 20 million midsize sedans off the road.”

For more reasons why a meatless Monday could help the Earth, check out Meatless Monday’s website. You may also want to take another look at this video.

The Center for a Livable Future provides research and scientific expertise for the national Meatless Monday Campaign.

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