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Find out how the CLF is engaged in positive food systems change.

158 results found
Diet, Health & Planetary Boundaries

Pollan Tells Oprah Viewers Why He Goes Meatless on Monday

During a Skype interview, Michael Pollan suggested to Oprah that one great way to cut your carbon footprint is to eat less meat.

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Food Policy & Governance

Vilsack Visits the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Meeting

Our nation’s health, specifically the nutrition of our children, was a major point in Vilsack’s presentation.

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Food Animal Production, Food Systems & Climate Change, Food Policy & Governance

CTY's Food Matters magazine

Roni Neff discusses the industrialization of US agriculture and its impact on policy, public health, and climate change.

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Food Animal Production, Food Systems & Climate Change

Student Letters/Op-Eds Hit Major US Daily Newspapers

Three students in the “Food Production, Public Health and the Environment” course had their work published in major newspapers.

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Food Systems & Climate Change, Diet, Health & Planetary Boundaries

Obama Victory Garden Contest

Americans are asking the Obamas to lead by example by replanting an organic food garden at the White House.

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Food Systems & Climate Change

Past CLF Dodge Lecturer is President-elect Obama's Pick to Head NOAA

Jane Lubchenco, an environmental scientist and marine ecologist, was recently named to head up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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Food Policy & Governance, Diet, Health & Planetary Boundaries

Letter to Obama: Top 6 Sustainable Picks for Secretary of Ag

88 prominent figures in sustainable food and agriculture signed a letter to the Obama transition team entitled “the sustainable choice for the next U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.

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Food Animal Production, Food Policy & Governance

Pew Report: Run-off, Antibiotics Must Be Addressed

The comprehensive study by the Pew Commission found the routine use of antibiotics and waste handling procedures of particular concern.

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