Jennifer Dailey
Fellowships Awarded: 2016
Jennifer Dailey, BA, MSE, is a fourth year PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering at the Whiting School of Engineering. Her research interests involve increasing food security through creation of enhanced biosensors based on organic electronic devices. One of the ultimate goals of this project is to create a point-of-care sensor that can be used in food production facilities to stop food-borne pathogens before they reach the market. She is also working to develop an ethylene vapor sensor to help track food ripeness quality and wholesomeness. She received her B.A. in Physics from the University of Pennsylvania in 2012 and her M.S.E. in Materials Science and Engineering from Johns Hopkins in 2015. Her primary advisor is Howard Katz, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Whiting School of Engineering, and she is co-advised by Ellen Silbergeld, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, Bloomberg School of Health.